China announces the discovery of very valuable treasures in the tomb of its legendary first emperor

China announces the discovery of very valuable treasures in the tomb of its legendary first emperor
Arkeonews reported that a 16-ton sarcophagus containing treasures had been found in the tomb of China's first emperor Qin Shi Huang.

The site added : “Very valuable funerary accessories were found in the coffin, including weapons, armor, a pair of gold and silver camels, a set of kitchen utensils, and 6,000 bronze coins.”

He stated that the shrine is located at a depth of 16 meters and is believed to have belonged to Prince Gao, who was the son of Qin Shi Huang, other heirs or a high-ranking warrior.

Gao is considered a legendary figure, and there is no information about him except in one historical epic written in 85 BC.


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