Archaeologists find parts of an ancient structure in the Black Sea

Archaeologists find parts of an ancient structure in the Black Sea
The media office of the Russian University of Sevastopol announced that archaeologists found in the Black Sea the remains of an ancient structure and artifacts off the coast of Abkhazia.

The office indicates that scientists believe that the structure and artifacts they found at a depth ranging from 1 to 60 meters in December 2023 off the coast of Abkhazia using special devices and with the participation of divers date back to the Middle Ages.

According to Victor Lebedinsky, associate professor at Sevastopol University, the interesting discovery was made in Sukhumi Bay, at the mouth of the Pesletka River, where it is believed that the ancient city of Dioscuria stood in this region.

He says: “In the years 1970-1980, an old painting was found here that is currently displayed in the Sukhumi State Museum. In the same area, we discovered, at a depth of 2.4 meters, the remains of a semicircular building, which is a tower with continuous walls, built of large pebbles and lime mortar, with the presence of Ceramic parts in construction.

In addition, archaeologists found off the coast of the city of Gudauta (Republic of Abkhazia), at a depth of 48-50 meters, a large number of pottery vessels dating back to ancient and medieval times, believed to have been on board a ship that sank in this area.

According to him, archaeologists have identified, using sonar, 11 underwater objects that are likely sunken ships and will be studied with the help of divers in the future.


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