Arab countries and organizations condemn the storming of Al-Aqsa and allowing the “flag march” in Jerusalem

Arab countries and organizations condemn the storming of Al-Aqsa and allowing the “flag march” in Jerusalem
Today, Wednesday, Jordan, the UAE, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemned the Israeli raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque, and allowed the “flag march” organized by settlers in Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem, on the 57th anniversary of the occupation of the city in 1967.

A statement by the Jordanian Foreign Ministry stated that Minister Ayman Al-Safadi and his Emirati counterpart, Abdullah bin Zayed, condemned, during a phone call, “the Israeli government’s permission for the so-called flag march in occupied Jerusalem, and the accompanying aggression against the Palestinians, extremist racist practices, and the imposition of restrictions on the access of worshipers to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.” ".

Earlier today, under heavy police guard, the far-right march participants, from West Jerusalem and from other parts of the country, arrived at Damascus Gate Square, waving Israeli flags.

The Israeli police announced the deployment of 3,000 of its members to provide protection for the march in which ministers are participating, including the far-right Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir.

During the call, the two ministers denounced "the continuation of the Israeli raids on the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, the latest of which was the storming of the mosque today (Wednesday) by an extremist minister in the Israeli government, members of the Knesset, and extremists under the protection of the Israeli occupation police."

They stressed "the need for Israel, as the occupying power, to comply with its legal obligations, and to stop the illegal and illegitimate Israeli measures that undermine the chances of achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution."

"alleged sovereignty"

In the same context, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemned, on Wednesday, allowing the “flag march” to be held in Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem, expressing its rejection of Israel’s “alleged” sovereignty over the city.

The organization "strongly denounced the Israeli occupation forces' blatant incursion into the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Israeli occupation's permission for extremist settler groups to organize a provocative march through the neighborhoods of the Old City of occupied Jerusalem."

In turn, the Islamic Endowments Department in Jerusalem said, in a brief statement, that “1,184 extremists stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque in the morning, and more raids are expected after the noon prayer,” noting that “among the stormers are the Minister of Development of the Negev and Galilee, Yitzhak Waserloff, and Knesset Member Yitzhak Kreuzer.” ".

Tensions over the "Flag Parade" are increasing this year in light of the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza since October 7, which left more than 119,000 Palestinians dead or wounded, most of them children and women, and about 10,000 missing, which necessitated a trial in Tel Aviv. International Court of Justice on charges of "genocide".


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