After including its army on the “list of shame”, Israel intends to declare UNRWA a terrorist organization

After including its army on the “list of shame”, Israel intends to declare UNRWA a terrorist organization
Yesterday, Friday, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, recommended that his country's government classify the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) as a terrorist organization, in response to the United Nations' decision to include the Israeli occupation army on the "list of shame."

The official broadcasting authority reported that Erdan proposed classifying UNRWA as a terrorist organization, in response to the United Nations resolution.

On January 26, 18 countries and the European Union suspended their funding to UNRWA against the backdrop of Israeli allegations that the agency’s employees were linked to the Hamas movement, but since last March some of these parties and countries began reviewing decisions regarding the UN agency and released funding for it.

According to the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation, Tel Aviv is also considering taking other measures to respond to the UN’s decision, including severing all relations with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Erdan also suggested to the government not to issue new entry visas to officials of the United Nations and heads of its agencies, and to prevent them from working in the West Bank.

Earlier Friday, Israel announced the official inclusion of its army on the United Nations list of parties that commit violations against children in conflict areas, known in the media as the “List of Shame” or “Black List.”

This is the first time that the Israeli occupation army has been included on this list, despite calls for this step repeated in recent years from international human rights organizations.

In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other ministers in his government launched a sharp attack on the United Nations.

The “List of Shame” is a list that the Secretary-General of the United Nations attaches as an appendix to his report on children in conflict areas, and it focuses mainly on those involved in violations against children in conflict areas, including killing, maiming, recruiting, and sexually exploiting them.

According to the private Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, this list currently includes the Russian army, and terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Boko Haram.

In past years, human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch, criticized the United Nations for what it considered “its deliberate ignoring of Israel’s continued inclusion on the list of shame,” considering that “Israel’s continued exclusion from the list causes grave harm to Palestinian children.” The UN resolution to include Israel on the “List of Shame” will be effective for 4 years.

Since the start of the war on the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023, the Israeli army has killed and injured more than 120,000 Palestinians, most of them children and women, while its military operations in the Gaza Strip left nearly 10,000 missing, massive destruction, and famine that claimed the lives of dozens of people.

Israel continues this war, ignoring a Security Council resolution demanding that it stop the fighting immediately, and orders from the Court of Justice to stop its attack on Rafah, and take immediate measures to prevent acts of “genocide” and “improve the humanitarian situation” in Gaza.


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