What does slackness have to do with memory?

What does slackness have to do with memory?
Researchers say there is no basis for the argument that slouching damages the spine and causes pain, however, data suggests it can affect memory.

The researchers cited several studies indicating that there is no evidence that slouching causes spinal pain, nor is there conclusive evidence that a slouched person suffers from increased back and neck pain compared to those who do not slouch.

The researchers point out that there is no evidence that slouching while working at a desk or while staring at a smartphone can lead to spinal damage. Also, standing is not better for the spine than sitting.

If you suffer from back or neck pain, experts advise people to sit in more comfortable positions and avoid sitting in ways that lead to bending or curving the back or neck.

Also, changing positions throughout the day to get more movement can make you feel more comfortable.

So, if you're suffering from back or neck pain, you can rest assured that your walking or sitting posture may not be as much to blame as you thought. Instead, it's likely to be more related to other life features, such as how stressed or physically active you are, and whether you've ever had back pain.

The best thing you can do throughout your day, to make your body feel more comfortable and to increase your productivity and positive sense of well-being, is to break up long periods of sitting at your desk with breaks for walking, stretching, or standing.

Effect on memory

Studies have shown that people who sit slouched have a lower ability to recall memory, as well as a worse mood when compared to those who sit upright.

A 2017 study also found that when people are in a relaxed state, they are more able to recall negative memories and are more depressed overall.

These memory and mood problems have been shown to improve quickly when moving from a slouched position to an upright position.

Regardless, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests that there is no single ideal or good posture. Differences in spinal position are not associated with pain. In fact, body posture naturally varies from person to person, and can even vary depending on race, gender, and even mood.

So, if you're slouching, make sure it's not really bad for your spine, and it's a position like any other you could adopt. 

In general, the human spine is designed to be mobile and not fixed in one position for long periods, which is why moving and changing your position throughout the day is important to reduce fatigue and subsequent discomfort.

If you cannot move and spend a whole day in front of the computer, this may cause you some discomfort, but it does not cause actual harm to your spine.

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