Unexpected food products containing alcohol!

Unexpected food products containing alcohol!

Dr. Ludmila Polikarpova, a researcher at the Laboratory of Environmental Biochemistry at the Russian Educational University, has uncovered unexpected food products containing alcohol.

The scientist says that ethanol alcohol is produced through the fermentation process. Therefore, it is present in small quantities in foods prepared by fermentation processes or directly subjected to the fermentation process, as a result of enzymatic yeast fermentation and lactic acid. For example, in bread drink (kvass), the percentage of ethyl alcohol can reach 2.2 percent, and in sour milk it can reach 0.4 percent. The drinks kumis (fermented mare's milk) and tan (fermented goat's milk) also contain an alcohol content ranging from 0.2 to 2.5 percent. This also includes sauerkraut, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples and other products prepared by fermentation. For example, in sauerkraut, the ethanol percentage reaches 2 percent.”

According to her, during fermentation of bread dough, an amount of alcohol is formed in it. For example, the percentage of alcohol in wheat and rye bread reaches 0.29 percent, and the highest percentage was discovered in burger bread - 1.28 percent.

She says: “The pulp of sweet fruits and berries, when stored for a long time or incorrectly, begins to ferment, as a result of the interaction of carbohydrates with yeast bacteria present in the air. As a result, the carbohydrates turn into alcohol. For example, the pulp of a ripe banana can contain up to 0.4 percent alcohol. The maximum concentration of alcohol is observed in the softest and darkest part of the fruit, so it must be cut before use. Fruit juices and fruits also contain alcohol. In grape juice, it reaches - 0.29-0.88 percent, and in apple juice - 0.06 percent. 0.66 percent, and in orange juice - 0.16-0.73 percent. If the juice boxes are not stored in the refrigerator after opening them, fermentation processes occur due to the presence of sugars in the composition, which may lead to an increase in the alcohol content.

According to her, of course such small percentages of alcohol cannot have a negative effect on the body. But there are categories of people for whom it is better to limit or avoid foods and drinks that contain alcohol, such as infants, young children, pregnant women and former alcoholics who may be at risk of so-called fetal alcohol syndrome.


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