Tips to reduce aviation phobia

Tips to reduce aviation phobia
Many people have a fear of flying, a condition known as aviophobia, where anxiety increases before, during, or even after a flight.

In this regard, psychologist Dr. Mark Rackley shared some advice on how to overcome fear, explaining that anxiety works in a cyclical nature, so if you feel fear once, you will remember this feeling every time you think about flying.

“The brain associates flying with feelings of fear, anxiety and panic, and it remembers how we feel about flying every time, so we have an anxious response when we think about having to fly,” Rackley said. “Our feelings are affected by the way we think, so obviously people with fear "They have negative, threatening and fearful thoughts about flying. They see it as dangerous and potentially life-threatening."

To reduce feelings of “aerophobia,” Rackley explains, there is a need to “change the thoughts that produce the fears.”

“This starts with allowing yourself to challenge and change your thoughts,” he added.

He said that using rational thoughts can help in doing this, “such as: What is the evidence that flying is dangerous? Am I exaggerating the risks? Am I taking other risks in my life that I do not see as a problem in reality?”

"You should educate yourself about how to fly, flight safety and the weather, to provide you with the knowledge necessary to challenge anxiety-provoking thoughts," Rackley continued.

Symptoms of aviophobia can include sweaty palms, increased heart rate and an “overwhelming sense of doom,” according to CALM, a leading mental health support app.

Some people may experience physical discomfort, such as stomach cramps or nausea, as well as panic attacks in severe cases.

Experts suggest: “Spend some time imagining a positive travel experience. Visualize yourself, enjoying your time in the air, and landing safely at your destination. It is a mental rehearsal. Guided meditation also provides a structured way to enter a state of deep relaxation and focus, making it easier for you to dispel triggering thoughts.” To worry."


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