There were more than fifty people who were arrested for military service : Myanmar

There were more than fifty people who were arrested for military service : Myanmar

Sagaing Division Residents and defense forces said that the Military Council arrested more than 50 men from March to the end of April in Ye U Township to serve in the military.

Since March, there have been sporadic raids and arrests in the city's neighborhoods, and on April 29, about twenty men were arrested from five neighborhoods in the city.

A resident of Ye U, who did not want to be named for security reasons, told RFA that people who had lists of names for military service and paid money to the governors were arrested.

"These days, they are drawing even during the day. The previous day, at nightfall, they drew at 9 or 10 o'clock. They said that with lists and lists, some of them were rich people's children. They gave money so that they wouldn't go because the list was already there. They had to pay, and the people who gave it were drawn."

Locals said that among those arrested for military service were young people over the age of 18, as well as middle-aged married men.

Most of the people currently arrested are people who live in the city, and they are (1) kept in a school building and are not allowed to see them even though their family members visit them, he said.

The Defense Forces said that the Military Council has planned to transport about eighty people from Ye Oo Township to serve in the military, and the defense forces are also planning to transport those currently arrested for the second week.

People's Defense Comrade's information officer, Ko Htoo Nakh Zaw, told RFA that they are preparing to send the detainees to the Northwestern Military Command these days.

"They have arrested and detained (1) in the old school building in the town of Ye Oo. They have cut their hair and changed everything, and even if we don't get 70 or 80 people, we have received specific information that they will send the ones we currently have to Namkha. This is the first time we will send them for the week (2)."

He said that most of the men in Ye Oo town who were on the list for military service had fled to the villages to be safe, and there were also those who had joined the defense forces.

"They arrested and detained (1) in the old school building in the town of Rey Oo."

RFA reached out to Sagaing Region's military conscription team and Sagaing Region's Spokesperson, Social Affairs Minister U Nyunt Win Aung, but received no response.

The National Unity Government (NUG) said that more than ten thousand people from all over the country who do not want to serve in the military council have contacted the National Unity Government (NUG).

In addition, according to the Burmese Affairs and Conflict Studies Association (BACS) statement on April 13, after the activation of the Militia Conscription Law, about five thousand youths from all over the country were sent to 15 military academies for one week (1) of military service training.


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