The Federation Council (the upper house of the Russian Parliament) has proposed making approval for the use of voice in artificial intelligence mandatory.
The Federation Council (the upper house of the Russian Parliament) has proposed making approval for the use of voice in artificial intelligence mandatory.
A number of members of the Russian Federation Council are working on preparing a project that would prohibit the use of the citizen's voice in artificial intelligence technologies except with his consent. This was announced by Artem Shikin, member of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.
In his speech at a meeting of the Information Policy and Public Relations Committee in the Federation Council, the Senator said that artificial intelligence is not only a key figure in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but also an effective tool for misuse and manipulation. In his opinion, new forms of advertising are emerging due to the connection between social networks and the large amount of “big data.”
He explained, "I think everyone is aware of cases of illegal use of a person's voice for the purpose of generating speech using artificial intelligence techniques, for example when presenting unwanted content for fraudulent purposes. In addition, broadcasters' synthesized voices can be used using artificial intelligence to express the content." Not coordinated with them.
In order to solve this problem, a draft law is currently being prepared that aims to fill the gap in legal regulation regarding the citizen’s voice, and to establish the principles of its use only with the consent of the citizen.”
To combat unwanted content created with the help of artificial intelligence, the senator proposed monitoring and analyzing the Internet, implementing specialized educational programs and conducting enlightenment campaigns, and creating platforms for communication and consultation.
artificial intelligence
citizen voice
draft law
federation council
information policy
public relations
russian parliament