The Russian army uses "Scorpion" robots to destroy Ukrainian forces' hideouts

The Russian army uses "Scorpion" robots to destroy Ukrainian forces' hideouts

Some websites published a video clip showing the Russian army using "Scorpion M" robots to destroy Ukrainian forces' bunkers during battles.

Available information indicates that these robots were used by the "Falcons" detachment of the Russian Armed Forces, as they helped Russian soldiers seize a stronghold of Ukrainian forces during the special military operation.

The clip, which was filmed by a drone, shows how Ukrainian soldiers tried to hide in holes in the forests, so that “Scorpion M” robots were sent to their locations, and as soon as the robot approached the target location, the operator detonated it remotely.

Many robotic platforms developed by Russia to perform various types of tasks have recently appeared in the special military operation areas, including robotic platforms that can carry out offensive operations, and platforms for military reconnaissance and monitoring tasks. Robots that can transport ammunition, supplies, and military equipment have also been tested, and robots for evacuating the wounded from the battlefield. .


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