Nutritional tips to strengthen the immune system

Nutritional tips to strengthen the immune system

Doctors say that vegetables and fruits are the main helpers in strengthening the immune system.

Russian nutritionist and Doctor of Medical Sciences Svetlana Kanevskaya indicated that you can strengthen the immune system by eating healthy foods, such as onions, garlic, seaweed, dandelion, and blueberries. 

According to the doctor, it will also be beneficial to eat sauerkraut and meat. As for drinks, she recommended drinking various herbal infusions and green tea.

Blueberries have great benefits for the immune system, digestion, and have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects. Cranberries are rich in vitamin C, fight infections and speed up the healing process.

Fruits should also be added to the diet, such as lemon, orange, pomelo, and grapefruit, as they are all rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and pectin. Doctors report that citrus fruits have a beneficial effect on the immune system, calm the nervous system and improve mood.


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