NUG supports Palestinian UN membership : Myanmar

NUG supports Palestinian UN membership : Myanmar

The United Nations General Assembly voted on Friday, May 10, for Palestine to become a member state of the United Nations. 143 member countries voted in favor.

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, representing the National Unity Government (NUG), which is Myanmar's permanent representative to the UN, also voted in favor, according to UN reports.

Nine countries, including the United States and Israel, have opposed Palestine becoming a member of the United Nations. Great Britain Germany Canada 25 countries, including Ukraine, voted neutrally.

Although the General Assembly unanimously approved Palestine as a member state, If not, the Security Council must make the final decision.

If the issue is discussed in the Security Council, there is a possibility that the United States could veto it. During the discussion last month, the United States rejected the veto.


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