NUG said that the massacre of Letututto village was a war crime : Myanmar

NUG said that the massacre of Letututto village was a war crime : Myanmar

Sagaing Division The mass killing of the villagers of Lettutto Village in Myengmu Township by the military council is a war crime, The National Unity Government (NUG) announced today, May 12, that it is a crime against humanity.

On May 9th, the military council forces blocked the village of Letuttaw and opened fire with large and small arms, killing six local civilians. After that, they entered the village and opened fire on the civilians hiding in the monastery, killing 24 men and one woman on the spot, according to the statement.

NUG said that 17 civilians were injured and one more died while being taken to the hospital, bringing the total number of dead to 32. He said that not only did they kill the civilians, but they also burned down the houses and destroyed the entire village.

This massacre was carried out by the No. (13) Infantry Battalion under the (33) Infantry Division Headquarters of the Military Council. No. (909) Battlefield Engineer Battalion According to NUG's statement, the attack was carried out by a 70-strong column made up of ex-servicemen from the No. (929) support and communication battalion.
ar crimes The NUG also urged the international community to take more effective action against the military council because the military council has been repeatedly committing crimes against humanity and still continues to go unpunished.

The military council has yet to announce anything about the massacre of this village. I called General Zaw Min Tun, who is allowed to speak to the military council, to inquire about this matter, but he did not receive an answer.


  1. inquire about this matter, but he did not receive an answer.

  2. The NUG's condemnation of the massacre in Letututto village underscores the ongoing atrocities committed by Myanmar's military council. International intervention is crucial to address these heinous acts.

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