Google gives new Android systems a practical and useful feature

Google gives new Android systems a practical and useful feature
Google announced during its recent technical conference that it is working on developing a feature that will make it easier for users to use Android 15 systems.

According to experts at Google, the new feature will provide users of Android 15 systems with a new way to access electronic accounts with the click of a button through electronic keys. The user, for example, is currently forced to enter his electronic account through several stages, as he enters the password, and then presses The “Continue” button, after which the login is authenticated via fingerprint data, face print, or PIN code. However, with the new feature, the matter will become less complicated.

The new login option will allow all the aforementioned data and electronic keys to be collected in one place through the Credential Manager service in Android 15 systems, and thus the process of accessing electronic accounts will become simpler and faster, and the user will also be able to use more than one Google electronic account in the aforementioned service to choose between them.

Google indicated that Credential Manage services will be included in WearOS 5 systems designated for smart watches as well, which will facilitate the process of pairing phones and smart devices with watches, and will enable the user to use the applications on his phone or tablet with his smart watch as well.


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