Foods to avoid in case of sore throat

Foods to avoid in case of sore throat
Dr. Asiyat Zherkoeva, an otolaryngologist, advises avoiding certain foods and drinks when symptoms of sore throat appear.

The specialist says: “It is recommended above all to exclude fatty, spicy, salty, sour, very cold and very hot foods from the diet, because they can cause irritation of the back wall of the throat. It is also not recommended to consume certain drinks, such as soda, sour juices, alcohol, and hot drinks. Because hot drinks "It burns the mucous membrane and increases inflammation."

The doctor points out that dry air increases the dryness of the oral cavity, so it is recommended to humidify the room’s air and ventilate it to avoid feeling discomfort in the throat.

“Exposure to toxic components of tobacco smoke damages the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Therefore, to avoid infection and inflammation in the throat, you should avoid smoking,” she says.

According to her, one should not take antibiotics, or use sprays or inhalers that contain alcohol without a doctor’s prescription, because this can lead to swelling and the development of serious complications in the throat.

She says: “A sore throat is usually associated with a viral infection. Therefore, if a person suffers from a sore throat or pain in the throat, it is best to start treatment by gargling with Nitrofurazone (brand name Furacilin), and sucking tablets to relieve the pain. It is also necessary to maintain Water balance: Drinking plenty of warm water helps moisturize the mucous membrane and speed up the healing process.”


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