Foods that prevent the absorption of iron in the body

Foods that prevent the absorption of iron in the body
Humans need iron to synthesize hemoglobin, which is one of the components of red blood cells and transports oxygen to the body's organs and tissues, and removes carbon dioxide from them.

Dr. Anastasia Tarasco, an endocrinologist, points out that doctors usually prescribe iron supplements when the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. But there are foods that prevent the absorption of iron in the intestine. How do we combine food and medicine correctly in this case?

Why is iron not absorbed into the body?

The human body does not produce iron, but rather obtains it from foods, which is why it is important to follow a varied diet. Foods rich in iron are meat, liver, kidneys, tongue, oysters, almonds, sunflower seeds, sesame, dark chocolate, buckwheat, lentils, beans and peas.

According to her, pregnant women should especially pay attention to their diet, because anemia that precedes pregnancy complicates its course.

Foods that prevent the absorption of iron in the body
The doctor indicates that iron deficiency in the body may be caused by poor absorption in the intestines. The reasons may be: infectious diseases; Taking laxatives and intestinal infections; Fermentation dysfunction, gastritis; Eating foods with a high percentage of phosphate - semi-processed foods, sausages, cheeses and soft drinks; Eat foods rich in oxalic acid - sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, roasted peanuts and cocoa; Excessive consumption of foods rich in tannins (tea, coffee), and phytin (hulls of whole grains, bran, wheat, rice, corn, nuts); Eat plenty of foods rich in dietary fiber; Take antacids. That is, iron should not be taken with all the foods and substances mentioned because they prevent its absorption in the intestines.

It should be noted that only a specialist doctor can diagnose iron deficiency and determine its cause. We must know that compensating for this deficiency requires a long period of time and requires paying attention to diet and performing periodic blood tests.


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  2. It highlights foods and factors that hinder absorption.

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