Effects of uncontrolled use of antibiotics

Effects of uncontrolled use of antibiotics
Dr. Alexei Boyko, Director of the Institute of Clinical Neurology, points out that the entire human body contains certain microbes, with which it is accustomed to coexist.

According to him, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, especially in childhood, can lead to the development of multiple sclerosis in a person in the future.

He says: “Scientists are paying great attention to the influence of intestinal microorganisms on immune regulation in general, including even on immune regulation in the brain. Many epidemiological studies in countries where the number of cases of multiple sclerosis is increasing have shown that one of the causative factors of the disease is use "Uncontrolled use of antibiotics, especially in childhood, because when the structure of the intestine changes dramatically, the entire microbiome changes."

Boyko points out that if the balance of these microbes that the body is accustomed to living with is disturbed, the risk of developing autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, increases. That is, taking a lot of medications, especially antibiotics, is unhealthy and harms the body's health.


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