Chinese intelligence agency exposes "outrageous" cases of espionage stealing space secrets

Chinese intelligence agency exposes "outrageous" cases of espionage stealing space secrets
The South China Morning Post reported that the Chinese intelligence agency has monitored many cases of space espionage in recent years.

The newspaper quoted a statement from the Chinese Ministry of State Security, which said: “Some countries view our country as a major competitor in the field of space and are sparing no effort to contain and suppress us.”

The newspaper noted that the ministry "revealed many cases of espionage in the space navigation sector, and exposed the nefarious actions of the intelligence services of some countries."

The specific countries that Beijing accuses of stealing space secrets have not been named. 

It is noteworthy that the New York Times quoted Pentagon officials that the United States is planning to deploy weapons in space to attack satellites.

The US administration accuses Russia and China of developing anti-satellite weapons , but it does not reveal information about its military projects in this field.

Earlier, the Chinese Foreign Ministry described the United States as representing the greatest threat to space security , and Chinese diplomats indicated that Washington is working to develop military capabilities in outer space and provoke confrontation between major countries.

For their part, Russian officials insist on Moscow's commitment to pledges not to militarize space and demand that Washington follow Russia's example in this regard, and refute all alleged American accusations that Russia has deployed weapons in space.


  1. It highlights the escalating space race tensions and is worrisome.

  2. South China Morning Post reported that the Chinese intelligence agency has monitored many cases of space espionage in recent years

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