China succeeds in launching a new environmentally friendly space rocket

China succeeds in launching a new environmentally friendly space rocket

The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) announced that it successfully carried out the first launch of the new Long March-6C space rocket on Tuesday.

A statement issued by the corporation said: “Today, Tuesday, CASC successfully carried out the first launch of an environmentally friendly Long March-6C space rocket. The rocket was launched from the Taiyuan Space Center in northern China, at exactly 11:21 Beijing time (06:21 Moscow time), It carried into orbit 4 satellites, including the Haiwang-01 and Zhixing-1C satellites.

The Long March-6C is a two-stage liquid-fuel space rocket, developed by experts at the Shanghai Academy of Space Technology. It is 43 meters long, 3.35 meters in diameter, and can transport 4.5 tons of payload to low Earth orbit.

In recent years, China has been actively developing its national space program, as it has launched many satellites dedicated to meteorological services, remote sensing services, communications and navigation services, and is working on projects to study asteroids and Mars. It also has an orbital station in space dedicated to scientific research, and last year It has carried out 67 space launches, and plans to carry out 100 more space launches this year.


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