China : Establishing a giant radio telescope to monitor solar winds

China : Establishing a giant radio telescope to monitor solar winds

The Chinese Xinhua News Agency announced that Chinese experts have completed the construction of a giant radio telescope to monitor the flow of charged particles coming from the sun, and it has successfully passed all tests.

This project was supervised by the National Space Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The telescope was installed in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in northern China.

According to the agency, thanks to the DSRT telescope, experts will be able daily to monitor the fluctuation of radio signals received from distant sources under the influence of solar wind. This monitoring is supposed to allow a timely response to changes in the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere, which have a negative impact on aviation, space projects, communications, navigation devices, and the operation of energy systems.

It should be noted that work on establishing this telescope began in early 2021, and the process of installing the antenna ended in the summer of 2023. The National Center for Space Research plans to use this telescope at night to observe various celestial bodies, such as pulsars.


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