Benefits of cherries for women's health

Benefits of cherries for women's health
The benefits of cherries lie in their distinctive, delicious taste and composition, as the ripe fruits are rich in many valuable vitamins and minerals that help maintain a woman’s beauty and health.

According to experts, cherry fruits are rich in vitamins A, PP, E, C and vitamin B group - B1, B2, B5, B6 and B12. For example, vitamin C helps the body get rid of the symptoms of asthma and spasms in the lungs after intense physical activity, and vitamin PP participates in stimulating the breathing process in cells.

In addition, cherry fruits are rich in dietary fiber, which helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system. The iodine contained in it also helps normalize metabolism and has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.

As for dark-colored cherry varieties, they are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels - they help normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood in case of high blood pressure, and reduce the burden on the heart and kidneys because they contain a high percentage of potassium, which contributes to the removal of excess fluids from the body.

In addition, cherry fruits contain coumarin and oxycoumarin, which are responsible for controlling blood clotting. As for the vitamin B group, it is responsible for calming the nervous system.

Doctors advise pregnant and breastfeeding women to eat ripe cherry fruits because, according to them, “the presence of vitamin B1 and retinol in them activates the process of cell division and restores the growth of the fetus to normal in the womb. It also contains a high percentage of anthocyanins, which makes the blood vessels flexible and plastic and strengthens the capillaries, which is important.” It is necessary during pregnancy, and in addition, cherries are useful and necessary after childbirth for regaining fitness and losing weight.


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