As summer approaches common insects whose bites you should be careful of!

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As summer approaches common insects whose bites you should be careful of!

A health expert warned of the danger of ignoring insect bites as summer approaches, as they may lead to life-threatening repercussions at times.

"Insect bites and stings are not usually serious and often improve within a few days. However, they can sometimes lead to infection or cause a severe allergic reaction," said George Sandow, a pharmacy expert at Well Pharmacy.

He added: "Some insect bites can transmit diseases, such as Lyme disease from ticks, scabies from mites, and malaria from mosquitoes, in certain parts of the world. Symptoms of a particular insect bite usually include pain in the affected area and red swelling on the skin."

Here are 8 insects whose stings can cause some concern:


A wasp sting usually leaves a small mark where the stinger enters the skin. It can cause pain, redness and swelling for a few hours.

Some people may experience a mild allergic reaction that lasts for a week. In extreme cases, the sting can cause anaphylaxis, leading to breathing difficulties, dizziness, and swelling of the face or mouth. 


A bee stinger can remain stuck in the skin when a person stings. When removed, the wound should be cleaned well.

Experts warn against using tweezers to pull out the needle, as this may lead to more poison entering the body.

The sting can cause pain, redness and swelling for a few hours. Some people may experience a mild allergic reaction that persists, and serious allergic reactions may also occur, causing breathing difficulties.


Mosquito bites are usually small and itchy. Some people may develop fluid-filled blisters.

In some parts of the world, mosquitoes can spread serious diseases such as malaria.

Warnings of “life-threatening” diseases that may affect half of the world’s population by the end of the century
Medical advice should be sought if worrying symptoms, such as high temperature, chills, headache and feeling ill, appear after a mosquito bite outside.


The tick attaches to the skin and burrows its head into the skin, and people may not realize they have been bitten right away.

Symptoms of a tick bite can include: a small red lump on the skin, swelling, itching, sores and bruising.

Ticks may carry a potentially serious infection called Lyme disease, which causes a skin rash.

Horse fly--

Horsefly bites are known to be large and painful and may cause bleeding and a red rash (called urticaria), as well as dizziness and weakness.

Horse fly bites can take some time to heal.


Mite bites cause very itchy bumps on the skin. Some mites burrow into the skin, causing a condition called scabies.


Fleas often bite cats and dogs below the knee, or around the ankles. You may also get flea bites on your forearms when carrying your pet.

False widow spider--

False widow spider bites leave small puncture marks on the skin, which can be painful and cause redness and swelling.

Some bites can cause illness, sweating and dizziness, and may cause a severe allergic reaction in rare cases. 


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