An oncologist debunks common myths about moles

An oncologist debunks common myths about moles
Dr. Rasul Akhmaev, an oncologist, points out that the issue of removing moles worries many people, especially those who love spending holidays on beaches and sunbathing.

The doctor dispels a group of common myths about moles because they have not been scientifically proven.

Myth 1- Mole removal is associated with the development of cancer. According to him, this is a fundamentally wrong idea. Moles are benign tumors that do not pose any threat to health, but if for some reason a person wishes to remove a mole, it is best to do so with the help of a skilled doctor. Because before that, he must undergo a number of tests to ensure that it is a benign tumor.

Myth 2 - Skin cancer is melanoma. According to him, not every malignant skin tumor is melanoma. For example, most people suffer from basal cell skin cancer, which develops very slowly and almost never spreads. Squamous cell carcinoma comes in second place in terms of aggressiveness, which can spread to lymph nodes and distant organs. Melanoma is the most aggressive type of skin cancer, but it is rare and diagnosed in only 4 percent. This type is associated with ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is recommended not to be exposed to the sun during the period from ten in the morning until four in the afternoon. According to him, melanoma does not necessarily develop from a mole, because it may appear on an area of ​​skin that is free of moles.

Myth 3 - Infection of a mole develops into skin cancer. The doctor points out that many people worry when a mole is cut during shaving, for example. But according to him, there is no need to worry because this usually does not pose any danger to health.

It is recommended to consult a specialist doctor if there is any doubt about the condition of the mole or the appearance of a new growth on the skin, to conduct the necessary examination, as it can be removed early.

He points out that myths about painful moles may be associated with delayed diagnosis of melanoma. Because, as a rule, patients with a tumor come to the clinic too late - in the last stages of cancer. In such a situation, surgical intervention will not be effective, but on the contrary, it can accelerate the spread of metastases throughout the body.


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