A simple way to maintain a healthy heart

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A simple way to maintain a healthy heart
A nutritionist claims there is a simple way to stay fit and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Expert Charlotte Martin said: “Replace some meat in your diet with plant proteins, and I am not just talking about legumes, but nuts as well. Walnuts have been proven to improve the quality of the diet in general, and research indicates that replacing only a small portion of red meat in your diet A daily diet of plant proteins, such as walnuts, may reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Walnuts are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, while they also contain copper, which is known to boost the immune system, bone strength, and even heart health.

Martin explained that copper deficiency can exacerbate the susceptibility to heart disease, by causing high cholesterol.

Eating red meat can also maximize this risk, as eating just 50 grams of meat per day increases the chance of developing heart disease by 9%, according to the Victor Chang Research Institute.

Therefore, eating copper-rich foods while avoiding eating too much red meat is vital for a healthy lifestyle.


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