A rare mutation protects against cancer and heart disease

A rare mutation protects against cancer and heart disease

Researchers from the University of Southern California and the University of San Francisco have discovered that a rare mutation that causes growth hormone deficiency in humans may also protect people from cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Med magazine indicates that the mutation studied by the researchers causes a condition known as growth hormone receptor deficiency (GHRD), also known as Laron syndrome. Growth hormone is a peptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland, a gland located in the brain. This hormone stimulates the growth of children and adolescents, and the development of internal organs. In adults, it maintains a normal ratio of muscle and fat mass, regulates metabolism and blood glucose levels, and strengthens bone tissue.

A lack of growth hormone receptors prevents the body from using it. This defect is manifested in the insensitivity of peripheral tissues to the action of growth hormone, and thus the inability of the mutation carrier to grow taller as he gets older. For this reason, the syndrome is called a strange type of dwarfism.

It became clear to researchers that Laron syndrome increases the risk of obesity but reduces the risk of developing a number of age-related diseases, including cancer and type 2 diabetes.
Laboratory studies conducted on mice showed that this mutation increases life expectancy by 40 percent and prevents cardiovascular disease, and scientists believe that such protective effects could appear in humans as well.


  1. A rare mutation causing growth hormone receptor deficiency (Laron syndrome) may protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease, despite increasing obesity risk. This finding opens new research avenues for age-related diseases.

  2. Med magazine indicates that the mutation studied by the researchers causes a condition

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