A doctor explains the causes of flat feet

A doctor explains the causes of flat feet
Traumatologist Dr. Alexander Kondratiev points out that flat feet are a common condition that changes the shape of the foot, and causes various problems and disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

According to the doctor, in childhood, a person develops longitudinal and transverse foot arches, but in people with flat feet, these arches sag.

He says: “Flat feet are often a congenital deformity and weakness in the ligamentous system. As for adulthood, they are caused by excessive loads and a sedentary lifestyle. People who suffer from obesity, excess weight, and lack of movement are more at risk.”

According to him, shoes also affect the shape of the feet.

He says: “For a young child, for example, soft shoes with socks are very suitable. Shoes also affect the condition of adults’ feet - for example, when a woman wears high heels, the load is not distributed correctly and causes the development of occasional flat feet. Of course, shoes with High heels, but only for a very short time.”

A doctor can determine whether a person has flat feet after performing an X-ray of his feet with a load. Sometimes indirect signs may appear in shoes - for example, the heel of the shoe may be deformed. Other signs: hallux deformity, formation and appearance of calluses, pain during exercise.

He says: “The load from the foot to other joints may not be distributed correctly. The person feels pain in the area of ​​​​the feet or above. There is an opinion that the muscles do not work properly in the case of flat feet, which helps create conditions for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, but Scientists have not found a direct relationship between them.”

There is no cure for flat feet, meaning this deformity is permanent, but surgery can be performed, after which the person needs a long rehabilitation period. Its effect can also be reduced by performing certain exercises and light loads to train the muscles and prevent its development.

He says: “It is useful to walk barefoot on an uneven surface or on an orthopedic mat. Of course, you must wear appropriate and comfortable shoes that do not put pressure on the feet.”


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