A delicious drink that helps lose weight

A delicious drink that helps lose weight
A nutritionist revealed that hot chocolate can help lose weight and prevent hunger.

Expert Steve Bennett, author of Fiber First, said: “Eating more fiber in your diet makes you eat smaller quantities and feel full for longer, because it is slow to digest. Cocoa powder, which is the main ingredient in hot chocolate, contains a percentage of High in fibre.

Bennett presented a simple, healthy recipe for hot chocolate, consisting of 200 ml of warm milk, two tablespoons of regular cocoa powder, and two teaspoons of Stevia sweetener (a sugar substitute extracted from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant in Paraguay and Brazil).

Steve added: “All diets are based on giving up delicious foods, and people don’t like that. If you put fiber first, you can eat whatever you want after that, but you will end up eating less, because you feel full.”

It is noteworthy that cocoa powder contains about 28% of fiber.


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