Health experts have reported that smoking e-cigarettes may lead to an annoying, dry cough that appears different from the “phlegm” cough produced by regular cigarettes.
The advice regulations for smoking e-cigarettes warn of this “common phenomenon”, explaining that it represents a particular problem for new e-cigarette smokers who have given up regular cigarettes.
Experts believe that this may be a sign that the body has recovered from smoking tobacco for years.
Tobacco destroys tiny structures in the bronchial tubes called cilia, which are designed to get rid of dirt and mucus in the lungs. Irritants can settle in the lungs and mucus builds up, causing “smoker’s cough,” as the body attempts to clear the airways.
Once you stop smoking, your cilia grow back and help remove mucus. This can also lead to a cough that may last for several months.
Professor Leon Shehab, co-director of the Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group at University College London, said: “Coughing is a natural response to quitting smoking as the cilia in the lungs recover and function again. So, if a smoker turns to vaping, something similar could happen.” ".
Leading researcher in the field of e-cigarettes, Professor Peter Hajek, from Queen Mary University of London, said that the “e-cigarette cough” usually goes away after a few weeks of use.
E-cigarettes allow people to inhale nicotine vapor, which is produced by heating a liquid that usually contains propylene glycol, glycerin, flavorings and other chemicals.
Unlike traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco, and do not produce tar or carbon.
But evidence is mounting about the dangers of e-cigarettes, with multiple studies sounding the alarm about the potential dangers of vaping. An academic study last month raised concerns that e-cigarettes could lead to cancer .
Doctors expressed their fears about the possibility of a wave of lung diseases, dental problems, and even cancer in the coming decades among people who were addicted to this habit at an early age.
What is the main cause of facial and skin aging?
A world-famous plastic surgeon revealed that stress is the main cause of premature aging, especially as it affects the intestines, which is directly related to the health of the skin, brain and immunity.
Dr. Daniel Barrett warned that long-term stress that lasts for weeks, months, or even years will have a lasting impact on the body and skin, because the skin constantly loses essential nutrients and hinders the growth of new cells.
Barrett revealed 5 simple ways to slow down skin aging: sleep, exercise, using sunscreen, not smoking, and limiting sugar intake.
He said that stopping eating sugar and wearing sunscreen will help protect your skin. Getting enough sleep also encourages muscle growth, helps keep your brain alert and improves blood sugar levels.
Here are 8 ways to help relieve stress:
- Physical activity.
- communication with people
- Health unit and self-care.
- Challenge yourself.
- Avoid unhealthy habits.
- Help others.
- Positivity.
Accept the things you cannot change.
ban e cigarettes
bronchial tubes
cough disease
destroys tiny structures
dry cough
e cigarettes
harmful smoking
quit smoking
regular cigarettes
smoking tobacco
whooping cough