Washington expresses its concern over the passage of a law against prostitution and homosexuality in Iraq

Washington expresses its concern over the passage of a law against prostitution and homosexuality in Iraq

The US State Department expressed its concern about the Iraqi Parliament's decision to adopt the Anti-Prostitution and Homosexuality Law, considering it a threat to "human rights and fundamental freedoms."

The ministry said in a statement: “The United States is deeply concerned about the Iraqi Council’s adoption of an amendment to the current legislation, officially called the Anti-Prostitution and Anti-Homosexuality Law, which threatens human rights and fundamental freedoms protected by the Constitution.”

As the State Department noted, the amendment prohibits same-sex relations under the threat of heavy fines and prison sentences, and also imposes penalties against promoting homosexuality.

The US State Department said, "This amendment threatens the most vulnerable people in Iraqi society. It can be used to restrict freedom of opinion and expression, as well as to suppress the activities of non-governmental organizations throughout Iraq," noting the importance of respecting human rights to achieve security and stability in Iraq.

On Saturday, the Iraqi Parliament approved a law criminalizing same-sex relations and transgenderism with a penalty of up to 15 years in prison, after the first version provided for the death penalty.

This text, which represents an amendment to the Anti-Prostitution Law of 1988, was approved during a session attended by 170 deputies out of 329, according to a statement issued by the Parliament’s Information Department.

The new provisions stipulate a prison sentence of between 10 and 15 years for same-sex relations, as well as the exchange of wives, according to the text published by the Iraqi "Al-Sumaria" agency.

The law also prohibits “the activity of any organization that promotes prostitution and homosexuality in Iraq,” and makes it punishable by seven years in prison for “promoting” same-sex relations.


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