The Russian Ambassador: Russia will not participate in the June conference on Ukraine in Switzerland, and everything that comes out of it is worthless

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The Russian Ambassador: Russia will not participate in the June conference on Ukraine in Switzerland, and everything that comes out of it is worthless

The Russian ambassador to the Swiss capital, Bern, Sergei Garmonin, announced that Russia will not participate in the peace conference in Ukraine, which will be held in June in Switzerland, and that everything that comes out of it is of no importance.

The Russian ambassador said in a press statement on Thursday that the conference will turn into a loud but empty propaganda campaign, because Russia will not participate in it, and Swiss taxpayers’ money will be wasted.

He stressed that "any talk about a settlement in Ukraine without Russia's participation is meaningless and has no horizon," and we will consider "documents" and "statements" based on the results of any events that occur without Russia's participation to be of no importance.

He added: "So the meeting in Bürgenstock is just a loud but meaningless propaganda campaign, and a waste of Swiss taxpayers' money without real results that push for a peace settlement."

The ambassador stressed that Russia does not see any point in participating in peace activities in Ukraine, which are based on the peace formula proposed by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, which consists of final ultimatums to Moscow without taking the real situation on the ground into account.

Switzerland will host a peace conference on Ukraine on June 15-16, without Russia's participation.

The press secretary of the Russian embassy in Bern, Vladimir Khokhlov, had previously stated that Switzerland had not sent an invitation to Russia to participate in the conference on Ukraine, and that Moscow would not participate in any case.

He added that the idea of ​​the peace conference promoted by the organizers is unacceptable to Russia, explaining that the talk is about another option to advance a “peace formula” that is not applicable and does not take into account Russian interests.


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