How to distinguish between dementia and forgetfulness

How to distinguish between dementia and forgetfulness

Dr. Amina Kindarova, a neurologist, indicates that if an elderly person repeatedly puts something out of place several times, he may be suffering from dementia.

According to her, forgetfulness is actually normal for older people, as it can manifest in losing things from time to time, such as a phone, glasses, or the TV remote. Older people may also forget what was said to them a while ago. Their ability to remember multiple tasks decreases, because they usually focus on one thing. Older adults may also find it more difficult to make plans and may need more time to complete new tasks.

As for dementia, it is characterized by more obvious memory problems: the person forgets what was said to him recently and may repeat the question about something repeatedly. Lost items are often found in unusual places, such as house keys in a bathroom cabinet. It is also difficult for a person with dementia to organize a device or prepare it for work. In addition, a person with dementia is unable to concentrate on even one task. He also feels very confused when planning or thinking about something.

The doctor points out that with age (not always) memory weakens, but some brain functions can improve, such as long-term memory, skills, and knowledge. In addition, scientists have proven that up to 40 percent of dementia cases can be delayed or even prevented. To do this, you must continue to learn, work, communicate, follow a healthy diet, exercise, maintain a healthy weight, control chronic diseases (diabetes and blood pressure), use hearing aids when necessary, get enough sleep, and limit or abstain from consuming alcohol.


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