How do we protect ourselves from skin cancer?

How do we protect ourselves from skin cancer?

Skin cancers are among the most common types of cancers, and these diseases can sometimes cause death. What are the best ways to avoid contracting them?

Regarding the topic, Russian dermatologist and plastic surgery specialist, Kristina Karvatskaya, said: “Skin cancers are among the most common cancers, and the highest mortality rates from these diseases occur due to melanoma cell cancers in the skin, followed by squamous cell cancers, and then basal cell cancers.”

She added: “30% of melanoma cancers appear due to moles, and 70% of them appear in healthy skin. Removing moles does not cause cancer, but exposure to X-rays during their removal is what causes this disease. Our bodies are exposed to X-rays due to the sun as well, so protection is important.” Sun exposure is important to prevent skin cancer.

The doctor indicated the necessity of using effective sunscreen 30 minutes before leaving the house and being exposed to direct sunlight, and attention must also be paid to using good quality sunscreen.”

One of the important things that the doctor pointed out is the need to consult a specialist doctor if you notice any abnormal changes appearing on the skin, as the sooner skin cancer is discovered in its early stages, the easier it will be to treat it accordingly.

The doctor advised avoiding trauma that exposes the skin to harm, as well as treating chronic skin diseases that cause inflammation and contribute to the appearance of skin cancers.


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