What is the correct way to measure pulse?

What is the correct way to measure pulse?

Creating human hearts that can be used to study genetic diseases and the effect of various medications on the heart

The German Heart Foundation said that the pulse is the speed of the heartbeat, that is, the number of times the heart beats per minute.

The Foundation explained that the ideal heart rate is between 60 and 80 beats per minute, noting that the heart beats slightly faster in women, at a rate of about 3 faster beats per minute, while the pulse rate in the elderly decreases by about 3 to 4 times. Pulse compared to middle-aged people.

Measurement at rest
Regarding how to measure heart rate, the Foundation explained that one should perform the measurement while resting only, that is, not after climbing the stairs or exercising. To obtain an accurate result, the person should sit quietly for 5 minutes before taking the measurement.

The pulse rate can be determined on the inner wrist using the index and middle fingers, and it does not matter if the measurement is performed on the left or right arm.

Once the pulse is found, the follower should count the beats for exactly 15 seconds, then multiply the value by 4 to calculate it per minute.

The Foundation stressed the need to consult a doctor if the measured value is less than 40 or higher than 100 strokes per minute. This indicates heart rhythm disorders; Such as: atrial fibrillation, especially when some symptoms are observed; Such as nervousness, internal disturbance, constant fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vision disturbances, fainting, sweating, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

The Foundation explained that the causes of heart rhythm disorders are high blood pressure , hyperthyroidism , and heart disease, noting that heart rhythm disorders are diagnosed by electrocardiography, ultrasound of the heart, and perhaps examining the heart using a catheter.

In most cases, arrhythmia is not harmful, but it can sometimes be dangerous. It may lead to heart muscle damage, strokes, or pulmonary embolism.

Arrhythmias are treated with medications, pacemaker implantation, or catheter; The doctor destroys diseased cells in the heart muscle.

Arrhythmia can be prevented by following a healthy lifestyle based on healthy nutrition, regular exercise and physical activity, quitting smoking, and staying away from psychological and nervous tension.

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