What are the features of anti-drone guns with spiral antennas?

What are the features of anti-drone guns with spiral antennas?

A source at the Russian company "Eliars", which manufactures anti-drone guns, reported some features possessed by anti-drone guns equipped with helical antennas.
He said that these rifles are able to protect soldiers from strong rumors and preserve their health.

He explained that circularly polarized antennas, unlike linear polarized antennas, allow the soldier to achieve the same amount of efficiency, but with less power, and linear polarized antennas need to generate a strong signal in order to be jammed, which causes the gun to overheat and disrupt its technology.

Helical antennas do not have such disadvantages because a power of 10-20 watts is sufficient for guaranteed electronic silencing.  

The source pointed out that Chinese guns, for example, use about 140 watts. This, in his opinion, is a tremendous power. Soldiers use these rifles every day and place them on their shoulders, right near their heads. Thus, they cause harm to their health.


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