Tips for maintaining digestive health during the fasting period

Tips for maintaining digestive health during the fasting period

During the fasting period, many people are exposed to some problems in the digestive system as a result of following some wrong eating habits. What are the ways to avoid these problems during the month of Ramadan?

To avoid intestinal and stomach complications and reduce pressure on the digestive system, health experts advise staying away from heavy meals during the suhoor period, and replacing foods saturated with fats and sugars with foods rich in fiber and protein. It is also recommended to divide meals during the iftar period and eat small amounts of food with each meal.

Doctors also advise drinking sufficient amounts of water during breakfast to avoid dehydration during the fasting period, and staying away from stimulant drinks as they speed up the process of excreting fluids from the body, as well as staying away from soft drinks that cause bloating and contain large amounts of sugar.

To support the digestive system and improve its functions, doctors recommend eating a lot of salads, vegetables, and fruits rich in fiber, which improve the functioning of the intestines. They also recommend yogurt and dairy derivatives rich in beneficial bacteria that improve the functioning of the digestive system in general.

One of the important things that nutrition experts focus on is not drinking large amounts of water at once during suhoor to avoid stomach upset. About an hour after eating breakfast, it is recommended to walk or do light exercises, which reduces the levels of sugars in the body and helps stimulate digestion processes. .

Some experts believe that some hot drinks, such as green tea, help stimulate the digestion process in the body, as do some spices such as cinnamon, ginger, and cumin. It is also recommended to stay away from smoking because of its negative effects on the stomach, intestines, and body in general.


  1. Some very useful tips were mentioned. Thank you.

  2. Doctors also advise drinking sufficient amounts of water during breakfast to avoid dehydration during the fasting period, and staying away from stimulant drinks as they speed up the process of excreting fluids from the body, as well as staying away from soft drinks that cause bloating and contain large amounts of sugar.

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