Study: Grape fruits extend a person's life by five years

Study: Grape fruits extend a person's life by five years

Scientists at Western New England University concluded that eating grapes extends the average human lifespan by 4-5 years.

BristolLive notes that the researchers reached this conclusion from the results of experiments they conducted on laboratory mice, which were initially fed foods rich in fat, and were then given a dose of grape powder equivalent to a basket of grape fruits. The result of this experiment exceeded the researchers' expectations: the amount of fat in the liver of mice decreased, and their life expectancy increased compared to mice that did not eat grapes.

According to researchers, the secret is that grape juice removes refined fats and sugar from processed foods. Therefore, when the results of experiments are applied to humans, eating grapes can increase the average human lifespan by five years.

Researchers point out that grapes speed up the metabolism, help burn calories, improve nerve cell function, and protect against Alzheimer's disease. Grape fruits contain antioxidants that reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Grapes, thanks to their containment of antioxidants and vitamins, effectively protect the body’s cells and tissues from damage and premature aging, and help maintain vision.


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