Signs indicating gallbladder dysfunction

Signs indicating gallbladder dysfunction

The gallbladder, despite its small size of only about 7 cm, plays an important role in the process of digesting food. Its malfunction leads to serious health problems.

Dr. Yekaterina Kashukh, a gastroenterologist, in an interview with the newspaper "Izvestia", points out the symptoms that appear in the case of a disorder in the functioning of the gallbladder.

She says: “Among the most common gallbladder problems is its inflammation resulting from the formation of stones in it, and many times without it. The other common disease is bile dystrophy, that is, an imbalance in the contractile function of the gallbladder and bile ducts, which leads to bile stagnation and lack of splitting and absorption.” Fats. Diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver or types of infections also affect the functioning of the gallbladder.”

The doctor points out that it is not easy to detect a defect in the functioning of the bile duct. But the body releases certain signals in this case.

She says: “Symptoms of gallbladder dysfunction can vary, but in most cases the person complains of mild pain in the right hypochondrium, which can spread to the back or right shoulder, a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen (especially after fatty foods or heavy meals), and constipation.” Or, conversely, diarrhea, changes in the color and consistency of stool.

In addition, according to her, a person often cannot tolerate fatty foods, since after eating them, abdominal pain intensifies, and may be accompanied by acute pain and vomiting. The exchange of bilirubin pigment may be disturbed, leading to jaundice. Because of this, the skin and whites of the eyes may acquire a yellow tint. But this does not always happen. Of course, this affects the digestion process, and may lead to other diseases such as pancreatitis and stomach and duodenal ulcers.

She says: “Bile stagnation can occur for various reasons: due to hormonal changes, excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor nutrition. Fatty, fried, spicy and canned foods, and regular alcohol consumption, contribute to bile stagnation and the formation of stones in the gallbladder and ducts.”

According to her, genetic predisposition plays an important role. The density of bile and the formation of stones in the gallbladder depend on gender and genetics. For example, women who are overweight, have blond hair, and are over 50 years old are more likely to form gallstones.


  1. The most common problem these days are constipation,hormonal changes and gallbladder stones

  2. Health concerns should not be overlooked.

  3. Health concerns should not be overlooked.🙏🙏

  4. One of the most common problem this days, thanks for this post

  5. should not be careless about your health. gallbladder is important to digesting food.

  6. We should be very concerned about our health

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