Russia : Innovating a navigation system for drones in locations not covered by GPS and GLONASS systems

Russia : Innovating a navigation system for drones in locations not covered by GPS and GLONASS systems

National Research University
Researchers from the National Research University have created a system that allows the use of radio signals to provide navigation to drones and industrial robots without satellite navigation systems.

The university's media office indicates that this system consists of wireless transmitters to be placed along the perimeter of the work area and radio tags installed on drones. Which, using a special interface, allows drones to determine their location in real time.

A source at the university says: “This system can be used in drones and industrial robots in production sites, automated warehouses, and other places not covered by GLONASS and GPS satellite navigation systems. It can also be used in open spaces, as an alternative to GLONASS in conditions of insufficient accuracy in Determine coordinates.

According to the innovators, this system allows covering an area of ​​one thousand square meters. It can be used instead of GLONASS and GPS systems when testing drones in a closed space before flight tests.


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