On the eve of Women's Day, a doctor reveals the secrets of her heart

On the eve of Women's Day, a doctor reveals the secrets of her heart

On the eve of International Women's Day, Academician Yuri Belenkov, a cardiovascular disease specialist, revealed everything you need to know about a woman's heart.

Belenkov points out seven facts about a woman’s heart:

1 - A woman’s heart beats faster.
According to him, as a rule, men's heart rate is 70 beats per minute. For women - 80 beats per minute. This is because the sinus node works a little differently, the vessels are narrower, and more oxygen is needed.

2- A woman’s heart is smaller than a man’s heart.

3- Migraine attacks during youth in women increase the risk of heart disease. There are many causes of migraines. The main reason is weak blood vessels.

4- The accuracy of women’s ECG is lower. At the age of 50-52 years - women begin to experience hormonal changes that affect the electrocardiogram. It is not dangerous, but it mimics some serious conditions such as myocardial infarction.

5- During pregnancy, a woman’s heart works twice as hard. Because during pregnancy, blood is pumped through the placental circuit to provide nutrition to the baby. In addition, the pressure on the diaphragm increases. This causes an increase in heart rate and a change in blood pressure.

6- Women are more susceptible to heart disease due to stress. Women have begun to share some jobs with men, and this is not beneficial to them. In addition, women are more emotional than men. Emotions stimulate the heartbeat, which leads to an increase in blood pressure or some age-related changes.

7 - Female sex hormones better protect the blood vessel wall. This is an act of nature, because women are the continuation of the human race. The stage of hormonal activity is the period of protection against atherosclerosis and heart disease. If artificial menopause occurs - it indicates that something has occurred, such as atherosclerosis and heart disease, before the age at which menopause usually occurs.

He says: "If a woman starts working in a man's job, she will suffer from men's diseases. If a woman drinks 18 cups of coffee, smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, and heads a large team at the same time, then over time, no hormones will help her. Of course, she will develop atherosclerosis." .


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