On the 65th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising, the 310th Taipei Parade calls for freedom of Tibet and serves as a warning to Taiwan

On the 65th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising, the 310th Taipei Parade calls for freedom of Tibet and serves as a warning to Taiwan

On March 10, exiled Tibetans living in Europe, the United States, Asia and other places held activities to protest the 65th anniversary of the CCP’s repressive rule of Tibet. During the parade held in Taipei that day, Tibetans shouted slogans such as "Tibet wants freedom" and "Chinese troops get out of Tibet" and called on Chinese leaders to start a dialogue with Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama.

65 Years of Resistance: Overseas Tibetans face identity crisis and continue the struggle through art
Tibetans in exile commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Tibetan Resistance Day on the 10th
U.S. House of Representatives passes "Promoting Resolution of Tibet-China Dispute Act" calling for dialogue.

On the afternoon of March 10, nearly 50 Tibetans in Taiwan held hands with their children, and nearly 400 people in total, together with supporters from all over the world, walked around the bustling East District of Taipei to hold a "65th Anniversary of Tibetan Freedom Resistance" parade. Tibetans shouted in Chinese, English and Tibetan: "Tibet belongs to the Tibetans", "Stop the massacre in Tibet", "Shame! Xi Jinping", "Chinese troops get out of Tibet", "Longevity for the Dalai Lama" Wait for slogans.

The theme of this year's parade is "Tibet's future, the world's future." In addition to the Tibetan snow-capped lion flag flying at the scene, there were also black flags "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times" and flags of overseas movements advocating independence for Southern Mongolia and East Turkestan.

At the parade site, Tibetans sang Tibetan songs, recited sincere prayers, and lamas chanted sutras and prayed. After that, the procession headed to the finish line, Taipei 101 Building. When the parade passed by the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Tibetan representatives knelt down and kowtowed in the most pious Buddha ceremony, and observed a moment of silence for the more than 150 Tibetans who had self-immolated to resist violence in the past. When the team passed by the Bank of China, they also used an action drama to accuse the Chinese authorities of building hydropower stations in Sichuan, forcing the eviction of more than 2,000 people, demolishing six temples, and arresting thousands of protesters.

Tibetans: Supporting independence and middle way demonstrates the beauty of democracy

Koncho Lappa, chairman of the Taiwan branch of the Tibetan Youth Congress, one of the organizers of the parade, took the lead in shouting "Long live the Dalai Lama" before delivering his speech. He said: "Our goal of the Tibetan Youth Congress is the complete independence of Tibet. Historically, Tibet has been an independent country. The Tibetan Youth Congress has not opposed the 'middle-of-the-road' policy of our government-in-exile. This is a 'Beauty of democry. ' " , there are many different voices in democracy. In 1965 , Tibetans had no freedom, no human rights, and no religious freedom in Tibet. The Chinese Communist Party said that Tibetans live a good life in Tibet, which is not true."

Pasang, a Tibetan in Taiwan, emphasized in his speech that Tibet has never been a part of China. The CCP’s policy of governing Tibet has caused Tibetans to live in fear and oppression. Tibetans have no choice but to go into exile in order to provide their children with better education. Tibetans in exile want to call There are people monitoring me when I go home, and I can't see my family members even if they die.

Gyatso, a Tibetan in Taiwan, was interviewed by Radio Free Asia. Looking back on what he saw when he was in exile as a teenager, there were Chinese armed policemen armed with guns along the way. They took advantage of the darkness to cross the Himalayas and ventured for two months to reach Nepal in the ice and snow. A relative's foot suffered frostbite and was forced to have it amputated upon arrival in Nepal. Gyatso said that without the Dalai Lama, Tibetans would not have achieved what they have today in exile around the world.

Gyatso said: "We really want to go back to our hometown and be with our parents. Tibetans have no freedom in Tibet. They force young lamas to wear their military uniforms and sing their national anthem. It is useless for many lamas to kneel down and plead in Tibet. We want human rights. , we must be independent and have our own words. The CCP has 'eaten' our country, and everyone will resist to the end." 

The Dalai Lama and the representative of the Central Tibetan Administration in Taiwan, Kelsang Gyentse, read a speech commemorating the 65th anniversary of the 310 Tibetan uprising by the Kashag (Sikyong) of the Central Tibetan Administration, reaffirming that they will continue to uphold the middle-way policy of mutual benefit and win-win between Tibet and China, and firmly believe that the Tibetan issue is the only can be resolved through peace talks. He called on the Chinese government to immediately stop the policy of annihilating ethnic groups and Tibetan culture in Tibet.

Kelsang Gyassen mentioned that on February 15 , the U.S. Senate passed the "Facilitating the Resolution of the Tibet - China Dispute Act" by an overwhelming vote : "It reaffirms Tibet's sovereign status, which is in line with the sovereignty and history of Tibet that the latest Kashag government has always emphasized. status, the U.S. government has a clear policy.”

Li Wen, director of the International Affairs Department of the Democratic Progressive Party and the only political party in Taiwan who attended the ceremony, pointed out in his speech that the Chinese Communist Party forced Tibetans to sign the so-called peace agreement and tore up the agreement in less than ten years. The entry of troops into Tibet led to the exile of the Dalai Lama and the establishment of a government-in-exile in India. Tibetans in exile adhere to democracy, and the people elect their own government and parliament. They also love freedom and democratic values ​​and cherish peace as Taiwan. Taiwan and Tibet should stand together.

Li Pengxuan, a member of the Taiwan Free Illustrations and Scholars Association who has long supported the Tibetan freedom movement, was interviewed wearing traditional Tibetan clothes and holding her 4-month-old baby. She said that as a mother, she could not tolerate millions of Tibetan school children being forced to stay in boarding schools and being separated from their mother tongue culture. and the Chinese government’s assimilation policy that prohibits Tibetans from learning their mother tongue.

Persecuted Chinese, Hong Kong and Taiwanese support Tibetans

Xiao Yuhui, a Chinese dissident stranded in Taiwan who fled China, participated in the Taipei March 10 march for the first time. In an interview with Radio Free Asia, he mentioned that more than 50 ethnic minorities in China are facing the eradication of culture and language, including Mongolia.

Xiao Yuhui said: "The Tibetans are a nation that was conquered by force. They have always had their own culture and their own land. They are a completely independent nation. Only when I came to Taiwan did I realize that it was the CCP that used force. To rule that place. So I think their pursuit of independence is a just move, including the independence pursued by Xinjiang or other ethnic groups. I think it is a means to get rid of the rule of the Chinese Communist Party."

In Taiwan, Hong Kong residents Sky also stood on the propaganda truck and shouted that the Hong Kong version of the national security law has forced many Hong Kong people to go into exile. They called on Taiwanese to stay vigilant and not to become China's Tibet or China's Hong Kong, but to become the world's Taiwan and protect freedom and democracy.

Taiwanese Lee Ming-che and Lee Meng-ju, who had been imprisoned in Chinese prisons, were also among the marchers.

Li Mingzhe said in his speech that the freedom rating of the human rights organization Freedom House shows that China ranks 9th from the bottom in the world, and Tibet (Tibet) ranks 2nd from the bottom. The freedom rights of Tibetans were rated zero points, and their political rights were negative 2 points. Bo Ren was convicted of subversion of state power just for teaching the next generation Tibetan language. He not only faced the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, but also faced the oppression of the so-called great rejuvenation of China. Many Taiwanese people ask, why should we support Tibet?

Li Mingzhe said: "A country that does not abide by the rules of autonomy granted to Tibet by its own constitution will not abide by the international order. It will also describe the Taiwan Strait as an inland sea and a Taiwan that it has never ruled as its own territory. If we The Taiwanese people don’t understand and think that we will gain dignity and peace by giving up our sovereignty. The Tibetan people tell you that you will lose in the end without even having your pants on.”

In an interview with Radio Free Asia, Li Mengju mentioned that solidarity with those who were also persecuted could alleviate the trauma he suffered in Chinese prisons: "Pelosi once said something when she visited Taiwan. Although I was still trapped in China at the time, I heard Very touching. She said that everyone who has been persecuted by the CCP should not be silent. Tibet will always belong to Tibetans, and she hopes that these exiled Tibetans and Hong Kongers can one day return to their homeland of democracy and the land of freedom. .”

Peaceful and silent march demands promote dialogue

On the morning of the 10th, about 10 Tibetans and supporters including Jampa Zengdrup and Tenzin Nanda in Taiwan held a "Peaceful and Silent Parade to Commemorate the 65th Anniversary of the Tibetan People's Freedom Uprising" in Taipei. They did not shout slogans throughout the process, but only used slogans such as "Truth is the only weapon for Tibetans", "Peace, dialogue, and mankind are one" and "The Dalai Lama will stay on earth forever . "

In an interview with Radio Free Asia, Tenzin Nanda said that this year is the 90th birthday of the Dalai Lama. His Holiness teaches peace, non-violence, not harming others, and advocates the "middle way", that is, the implementation of name symbols within the framework of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China. De facto Tibetan autonomy. The "Peaceful Silent March" showed that Tibetans in Taiwan have never forgotten the path guided by His Holiness. Participants in the march signed a "Letter to Chinese Leaders" and their demands included promoting a historic meeting between the Dalai Lama and Chinese leaders. and dialogue, promoting the reunion of the Dalai Lama and Tibetans in Tibet, and practicing global and regional peace and coexistence.


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