Leg stroke threatens you on long trips How do you prevent it?

Leg stroke threatens you on long trips How do you prevent it?

People who travel a lot are more susceptible to leg or lung stroke, in addition to sleeping difficulties and unhealthy eating habits.

German Professor Thomas Jelinek said that the risk of leg stroke increases while traveling by bus or plane due to sitting for long periods of time on flights that exceed 4 hours in duration. Where blood accumulates in the legs and does not return to the heart, which leads to blood clots in the leg.

The scientific director of the Travel Medicine Center in Germany added that a leg clot can travel through the bloodstream to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism , which poses a threat to life.

Jelinek explained that the risk of leg stroke is particularly high in people who suffer from heart failure, damaged blood vessels, or have previously had blood clots, noting that it threatens healthy people and athletes as well.

To prevent leg stroke on long trips, you should get up and walk from time to time while drinking plenty of fluids such as water and tea. Compression stockings can also be worn; As it improves blood flow in the veins.

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