Hamdan: We will not accept an agreement that does not include a ceasefire and breaking the siege, and what the enemy failed to achieve through fighting, he will not achieve through negotiation.

Hamdan: We will not accept an agreement that does not include a ceasefire and breaking the siege, and what the enemy failed to achieve through fighting, he will not achieve through negotiation.

Hamas leader Osama Hamdan said on Tuesday that Israel is “as usual” procrastinating in the negotiations, stressing the rejection of any agreement that does not include a ceasefire, breaking the siege on Gaza, and the occupation’s withdrawal from Gaza.

He said in a press conference in the Lebanese capital, Beirut: “The enemy is procrastinating as usual, and we reiterate that what it failed to achieve in fighting will not be achieved in negotiations. The security and safety of our people will not be achieved except by stopping the aggression, a ceasefire, and the withdrawal of the occupation from Gaza, and we will not allow the path of negotiations to be open without A horizon with the continuation of the war of starvation and extermination against our people.”

He added: "Our flexibility in negotiating for the sake of our people is matched by our complete readiness to defend them and the holy sites," stressing that "it is not possible to accept any solution that does not stop the aggression and lead to the lifting of the siege, and the resistance will remain faithful to the sacrifices and the accumulation of achievements."

Hamdan continued: “The slogans of humanity, freedom, and justice that successive American administrations, the occupation’s partner in the aggression, chant, are falling, and the weak positions that did nothing to alleviate the suffering and prevent the genocide of Gaza are revealed every day. The Israeli war of genocide and starvation continues against our people in front of the world’s eyes and ears, despite a court decision.” International Justice.

Speaking about the “Rashid Massacre,” Hamdan said: “800 people were wounded in the Nabulsi Roundabout massacre on Al-Rashid Street, most of them injured in the upper part of the body, and the Security Council’s statement about the Nabulsi Roundabout massacre does not rise to the level of a crime.”

He added: "Some of the aid that was dropped from the air is appreciated, but this aid represents only a small portion of the needs. We call for the entry of aid through land crossings."

Hamdan touched on Washington's airdrop of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, and said: "American aid from the air will not beautify Washington's bloody image. We call on the American administration to stop supplying weapons to the occupation and to stop using its veto power in support of the occupying entity."

He continued: "We call on the Arab and Islamic countries to take serious action and to implement the decisions of their recent summit to break the siege on Gaza and to bring in sufficient aid and secure the needs of the Strip. We renew our call to the peoples of our nation through whose lands the enemy's food convoys pass to stop these convoys, and this has weakened faith."

Hamdan called on “the people of our nation to make the month of Ramadan an opportunity to exert pressure and work to save our people from death, and we call on our nation to work to reach a full partnership to support the Gaza resistance, similar to what the resistance is doing in Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq.”

The leader of the Hamas movement also called on the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, to “dismiss the UN employee who submitted a false report without evidence alleging rape by the resistance.”

Hamdan stressed that "the stability and security of the region will not be achieved except by ending the occupation and establishing an independent and fully sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital."


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