Formation of a leading group for the formation of Rohingya Political Consultative Force : myanmar

Formation of a leading group for the formation of Rohingya Political Consultative Force : myanmar

On March 26, a leading movement group (temporary) was formed for the emergence of a large political force that includes all Rohingya forces and the emergence of a Rohingya political force that can represent the voice of the Rohingya people.

The group's spokesperson, U Aung Myaing, said that it was formed to represent the Rohingya ethnic groups and cooperate more widely.

"We will carry out evolutionary processes for the emergence of a Rohingya force that represents the Rohingya people, and for the formation of an organization like a consultative council that can represent all Rohingyas, this has been established as an organizing committee."

Eight Rohingya organizations, the leading movement group for the emergence of a Rohingya political consultative force (temporary) It is said that it was formed with 25 individuals.

Rohingya politicians who are in the world to express the voices that are needed for the Rohingya. Rohingya activists women leaders The new generation of youth and community-based leaders are involved, he said.


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