First aid trucks arrive in northern Gaza in nearly 4 months

First aid trucks arrive in northern Gaza in nearly 4 months

On Saturday evening, six aid trucks arrived in the northern Gaza Strip through Salah al-Din Street, which connects the southern and northern Gaza Strip, for the first time in about four months.

On Saturday evening, six aid trucks arrived in the northern Gaza Strip through Salah al-Din Street, which connects the southern and northern Gaza Strip, for the first time in about four months.

For the first time since the end of November, humanitarian aid specifically entered towns in the northern Gaza Strip governorate (Beit Lahiya, Beit Hanoun and Jabalya).

The aid, containing large quantities of flour, arrived across Salah al-Din Street, which runs from the south to the north of the Strip, with the security services of the Gaza government, in cooperation with Palestinian tribes.

The trucks arrived at Jabalya refugee camp, in the northern Gaza governorate, and were placed in warehouses belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

Since the end of November, towns in the northern Gaza Strip have not received any humanitarian aid, leading to a "famine" in the northern areas, which has claimed the lives of children and the elderly.

According to the latest statistics issued by the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip, the number of deaths due to malnutrition and dehydration has reached 7,2 Palestinians, including infants.

As a result of the war and Israeli restrictions, Gazans, especially the Gaza and northern governorates, are on the brink of famine, with severe supplies of food, water, medicine and fuel in short supply, with some two million Palestinians displaced from the enclave, which has been besieged by Israel for 17 years.

The Israeli occupation continues its destructive war against the Gaza Strip despite being brought before the International Court of Justice, the highest judicial body of the United Nations, on charges of committing crimes of "genocide" against the Palestinians.


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