Expulsions in Rwanda: UK wants to pay asylum seekers

Expulsions in Rwanda: UK wants to pay asylum seekers

While its plan to export asylum seekers who arrived illegally on its soil to Rwanda is at an impasse, the British government is playing a new card. He now intends to send people whose right to asylum has been rejected, still to Rwanda. This time, based on volunteering.

Applicants will receive up to £3,000, with additional support paid on site. But not only that, they will also be entitled to a work permit in Rwanda.

The program is mainly intended for people whose right to asylum has been rejected and who cannot return to their country of origin. The date of its launch has not yet been revealed, as has the number of potential beneficiaries.

The Labor Party has already denounced a program which consists of paying migrants so that they can choose to go to Rwanda.

The first migration agreement targeting asylum seekers who arrived fraudulently in the United Kingdom is failing. And for good reason, Rwanda is not considered a safe country by a section of the British political class.


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