Controversial study: There is no dark matter in the universe

Controversial study: There is no dark matter in the universe

A new study claimed that there is no mysterious dark matter in the universe, after numerous research and studies spread that say it occupies the largest part of the universe.
Previously, space experts explained that dark matter describes all "objects in space that have gravity, but are invisible and unlike anything else we know."

However, a new analysis by physicist Rajendra Gupta, from the University of Ottawa in Canada, has revealed that dark matter does not exist, and our universe may be more than 10 billion years older than we thought.

Gupta claims that fossilized sound waves in maps of galaxies can be interpreted as signs that the Big Bang occurred 13 billion years earlier than current models indicate.

“The results confirm that our previous research into the age of the universe, which is 26.7 billion years, allowed us to discover that the universe does not need dark matter to exist,” Gupta said in a statement. “In standard cosmology, the accelerating expansion of the universe is said to be caused by dark energy, but in reality it is due to "To the weak forces of nature as they expand, not to dark energy."

This indicates the need to modify current models about the evolution of galaxies and black holes.

Gupta used a set of theories about how the forces of nature decline over cosmic time and light loses its energy when it travels a long distance, to reach his conclusion.

Gupta expands on the “tired light” (TL) hypothesis, first proposed by Swiss physicist Fritz Zwicky in the late 1920s. He wondered whether the red light from distant objects was the result of lost energy.

The hypothesis was later replaced by the now accepted idea: the red-shifted frequency of light is due to the cumulative expansion of space attracting light waves.

But Gupta's version of the TL hypothesis led him to conclude that there was no need to use dark energy to explain the increasing expansion of space. This can be attributed simply to variable interactions between known particles.

“There are many papers that question the existence of dark matter, but my paper is the first, to my knowledge, that rules out its cosmological existence while being consistent with the major cosmological observations that we have had time to confirm,” Gupta said.

His research offers potential new paths to explore the fundamental properties of the universe, by challenging the need for dark matter in the universe and providing evidence for a new cosmological model.

The study was published in the Astrophysical Journal.


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