CBS: The United States does not rule out the involvement of a “foreign enemy” in the “Havana Syndrome”

CBS: The United States does not rule out the involvement of a “foreign enemy” in the “Havana Syndrome”

CBS reported that the United States does not rule out the involvement of a “foreign enemy” in the appearance of symptoms of the so-called “Havana Syndrome” among US government employees.

CBS confirms for the first time, citing sources, that a foreign enemy of the United States is behind the attacks on Americans. The channel did not specify who this “foreign enemy” was.

The broadcaster reported that a senior official in the US Department of Defense requested medical care after symptoms appeared in July 2023 during his participation in the NATO summit held in Vilnius.

The network quoted a former US military intelligence official as saying that “Moscow has no restrictions on what it will do and on the individuals it will attack. If the United States does not take any action, the situation will get worse.”

The channel claims that at least one case of signs of "Havana Syndrome" appearing in an American government employee may be linked to a person named Vitaly Kovalyov, a resident of St. Petersburg, who was arrested in Florida in 2020. But the channel did not clarify the nature of the relationship, or the role of this person. In the appearance of symptoms of the disease.

Last March, US intelligence reported that it was completely unlikely that US opponents would use “directed energy” against victims of the so-called “Havana Syndrome.”

It also ruled out that any country, including Russia, was involved in the emergence of symptoms of “Havana Syndrome” among US government employees. In fact, intelligence ruled out the possibility that the Russian Federation, China, Cuba, or any other country or even a group of individuals were behind the incident. .

American media and officials describe the symptoms of the syndrome as similar to the affected person being subjected to a “sonic attack” or being exposed to “directed energy.”

The previous White House administration announced that more than 40 American diplomats had contracted strange symptoms since November 2016, in Havana as a result of some unknown external influences.

The United States authorities blamed Cuba for these symptoms, but Havana repeatedly denied any relationship to the symptoms affecting American diplomats.


  1. It presents a very interesting read.

  2. CBS reported that the United States does not rule out the involvement of a “foreign enemy” in the appearance of symptoms of the so-called “Havana Syndrome” among US government employees.

  3. Iranian media showed pictures of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Advisor, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, who was killed along with another brigadier general and two soldiers accompanying them, in the Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.


  4. It presents a very interesting read.

  5. The United States authorities blamed Cuba for these symptoms, but Havana repeatedly denied any relationship to the symptoms affecting American diplomats.

  6. the symptoms of the syndrome as similar to the affected person being subjected

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