Causes of iron deficiency in the body : Vesti

Causes of iron deficiency in the body : Vesti

Iron is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen in the body. Because hemoglobin deficiency leads to anemia.

Anemia leads to weakness, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, and other disturbing symptoms.

Causes of iron deficiency in the body

- Eating foodstuffs that do not contain a sufficient percentage of iron, which leads to anemia.

- Poor absorption of iron from food. There are factors that cause poor absorption of iron from the food you eat, including drinking coffee, black tea, phosphates, and phytic acid, which prevent the normal absorption of iron in the body.

- Increase the body's need for iron. The body's need for iron increases during pregnancy and during menstruation due to blood loss for women and after exercise, which leads to iron deficiency in the body.

- Gastrointestinal diseases. Some gastrointestinal diseases, such as stomach ulcers and chronic infections, can cause poor absorption of iron from foods.

 Treatment and prevention

Bioactive food supplements occupy a special place in treatment, especially in the case that ensures a high degree of absorption and without any side effects for the digestive system. In addition, vitamins C, B9 and B12 are necessary for the absorption of iron into cells.


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