“Bloomberg”: Biden agrees to ban the raising of gay flags in American embassies in exchange for government funding

“Bloomberg”: Biden agrees to ban the raising of gay flags in American embassies in exchange for government funding

Bloomberg reported that US House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson agreed, during discussions about funding some government departments with the White House, to ban the raising of gay flags above US embassies.

The newspaper, citing an informed source, indicated that as part of the deal, Johnson agreed to “ban the raising of the gay (rainbow) flag over American embassies.”

In addition, the Confederate flag and Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" flag will also be banned.

A Democratic Party representative familiar with the proposal told the agency that there is no ban on the personal use of “rainbow” flags by embassy employees.

On December 13, 2022, the South Portico of the White House was lit in “rainbow” colors to celebrate US President Joe Biden’s signing of the Federal Same-Sex Marriage Protection Act.

Biden signed the legislation during a celebratory event on the South Lawn of the White House in the presence of more than 2,000 people, where he said: “The road right now is long, but those who believe in equality and justice have never given up.”

The White House displayed lights during the ceremony, but the “rainbow” colors became more apparent as the sun set hours later.

During the administration of former President Barack Obama, the White House lit the north portico of the building in “rainbow” colors following the famous Supreme Court ruling Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015, which guaranteed a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.

In June 2021, US President Joe Biden designated the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, as a national memorial in honor of those killed in a random shooting there in 2016, and urged Congress to enact laws that clearly protect the civil rights of the gay community.

In June 2023, photos and videos of decorating the White House with the gay flag on the occasion of the so-called “Pride Month” sparked widespread ridicule on social media.

Social media users circulated pictures of the White House, where two American flags were raised, with a gay flag in the middle, while they commented sarcastically on the US President and Washington’s support for gay people.


  1. A new study revealed that climate change and rising temperatures are causing food prices to rise by 3.2% annually.
    As climate change continues to worsen, price inflation will reduce the diversity of healthy food for people around the world, or simply become insufficient in nutrients.

    The German study shows that global warming could lead to an increase in food price inflation by between 0.9 and 3.2% annually by 2035.

    Africa will be the most affected, despite its small contribution to the causes of climate change.

  2. During the administration of former President Barack Obama, the White House lit the north portico of the building in “rainbow” colors following the famous Supreme Court ruling Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015, which guaranteed a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.

  3. Democratic Party representative familiar with the proposal told the agency that there is no ban on the personal use of “rainbow” flags

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