Blinken: All Gazans suffer from high levels of acute food insecurity

Blinken: All Gazans suffer from high levels of acute food insecurity

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that all Gaza residents suffer from “high levels of acute food insecurity,” stressing the need to increase the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Strip.

Blinken said at a press conference in the Philippines on Tuesday, where he is making an official visit: “According to the most reliable standards, 100% of Gaza’s population suffers from high levels of acute food insecurity, and this is the first time that an entire population has been classified in this way.”

Blinken's statements come on the eve of his visit to the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to discuss efforts to reach a ceasefire and increase the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

In an assessment of food security published by specialized agencies at the United Nations on Monday, the international body warned of a “catastrophic” food situation for half of the Strip’s population and of an “imminent” famine.

The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, called on Israel to allow aid to enter the besieged Strip without restrictions, saying that "time is running out."

The war in the Gaza Strip entered its 165th day in light of the continuous Israeli bombing and a humanitarian catastrophe that reached the point of famine, without the mediators being able to prevent the shooting, even for the month of Ramadan.


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